added endpoint /dyndns

Signed-off-by: tracer <>
This commit is contained in:
tracer 2022-03-01 16:42:34 +01:00
parent 055431627a
commit 7a15d82a3a

View File

@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ error_reporting(error_level: E_ALL);
use App\Entity\Domain;
use App\Repository\ApikeyRepository;
use App\Repository\DomainRepository;
use App\Repository\PanelRepository;
use DI\Container;
use DI\ContainerBuilder;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use OpenApi\Generator;
use UnhandledMatchError;
use function DI\autowire;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OAT;
@ -50,14 +50,17 @@ class RequestController
private Logger $log;
private ApiController $apiController;
private ApikeyRepository $apikeyRepository;
private DomainController $domainController;
private DomainRepository $domainRepository;
private ApikeyRepository $apikeyRepository;
private PanelRepository $panelRepository;
private Container $container;
private string $header;
private array $result;
private string $status;
private string $message;
* @param array $config
@ -95,9 +98,13 @@ class RequestController
$this->container = $containerBuilder->build();
$this->apiController = $this->container->get(name: ApiController::class);
$this->apikeyRepository = $this->container->get(name: ApikeyRepository::class);
$this->domainController = $this->container->get(name: DomainController::class);
$this->domainRepository = $this->container->get(name: DomainRepository::class);
$this->apikeyRepository = $this->container->get(name: ApikeyRepository::class);
$this->panelRepository = $this->container->get(name: PanelRepository::class);
// ***
//$this->nameserverRepositoy = $this->container->get(name: NameserverRepository::class);
@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ class RequestController
description: 'Domain not found.'
public function handleAllDomainsGetRequest(): void
private function handleAllDomainsGetRequest(): void
$domains = $this->domainRepository->findAll();
$resultDomain = [];
@ -146,6 +153,41 @@ class RequestController
$this->result = $resultDomain;
private function handlePing()
if ($this->checkPassword()) {
$this->header = '200 OK';
$this->status = json_encode(value: ['response' => 'pong']);
} else {
$this->header = '401 Unauthorized';
$this->status = json_encode(value: ['message' => 'API key is missing or invalid']);
* @return void
private function handleDomains(): void
if ($this->checkPassword()) {
try {
match ($this->requestMethod) {
'GET' => $this->handleDomainsGetRequest(),
'POST' => $this->handleDomainsPostRequest(),
'PUT' => $this->handleDomainsPutRequest(),
'DELETE' => $this->handleDomainsDeleteRequest()
} catch (UnhandledMatchError) {
$this->header = '400 Bad Request';
$this->status = '400 Bad Request';
$this->message = "unknown request method: $this->requestMethod";
* @OA\Tag(name = "Server")
@ -189,98 +231,77 @@ class RequestController
* @return void
path : '/domains/{name}',
operationId: 'getSingleDomain',
description: 'Returns information of a single domain specified by its domain name.',
summary : 'Returns a single domain.',
security : [
tags : ['Domains'],
parameters : [
new OAT\Parameter(name: 'name', in: 'path', required: true, schema: new OAT\Schema(type: 'string')),
responses : [
new OAT\Response(
response : 200,
description: 'OK'
new OAT\Response(
response : 401,
description: 'API key is missing or invalid.'
new OAT\Response(
response : 404,
description: 'Domain not found.'
path : '/domains/{name}',
operationId: 'getSingleDomain',
description: 'Returns information of a single domain specified by its domain name.',
summary : 'Returns a single domain.',
security : [
tags : ['Domains'],
parameters : [
new OAT\Parameter(name: 'name', in: 'path', required: true, schema: new OAT\Schema(type: 'string')),
responses : [
new OAT\Response(
response : 200,
description: 'OK'
new OAT\Response(
response : 401,
description: 'API key is missing or invalid.'
new OAT\Response(
response : 404,
description: 'Domain not found.'
public function processRequest()
$command = $this->uri[2];
if (empty($command) || !(($command == 'domains') || ($command == 'ping') || ($command == 'apidoc'))) {
if (empty($command) || !(($command == 'domains') || ($command == 'ping') || ($command == 'apidoc') || ($command == 'dyndns'))) {
$this->header = '404 Not Found';
$this->status = "404 Not Found";
$this->message = "Endpoint not found.";
} else {
if ($command == 'apidoc') {
$openapi = Generator::scan(sources: [__DIR__ . 'RequestController.php']);
$this->status = 'openapi';
$this->result[] = $openapi->toJson();
} else {
if ($this->checkPassword()) {
if ($this->uri[2] == "ping") {
$this->header = '200 OK';
$this->status = 'pong';
} else {
try {
match ($this->requestMethod) {
'GET' => $this->handleDomainGetRequest(),
'POST' => $this->handleDomainPostRequest(),
'PUT' => $this->handleDomainPutRequest(),
'DELETE' => $this->handleDomainDeleteRequest()
} catch (UnhandledMatchError) {
$this->header = '400 Bad Request';
$this->status = '400 Bad Request';
$this->message = "unknown request method: $this->requestMethod";
if (!empty($this->header)) {
header(header: $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $this->header);
if (!empty($this->result)) {
if (!empty($this->status) && $this->status == 'openapi') {
header(header: 'Content-Type: application/json');
echo $this->result[0];
} else {
echo json_encode(value: $this->result);
} else {
if (!empty($this->status) && $this->status == 'pong') {
echo json_encode(value: [
'response' => $this->status
} else {
echo json_encode(value: [
'status' => $this->status ?? "Error: No status",
'message' => $this->message ?? "Error: No message."
try {
match ($command) {
'apidoc' => $this->apiDoc(),
'dyndns' => $this->handleDynDNS(),
'ping' => $this->handlePing(),
'domains' => $this->handleDomains(),
} catch (UnhandledMatchError) {
$this->header = '404 Bad Request';
$this->status = '404 Bad Request';
$this->message = 'Unknown path: ' . $command;
if (!empty($this->header)) {
header(header: $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $this->header);
if (!empty($this->result)) {
echo json_encode(value: $this->result);
} elseif (!empty($this->status)) {
echo $this->status;
} else {
echo json_encode(value: [
'status' => $this->status ?? "Error: No status",
'message' => $this->message ?? "Error: No message."
* @return bool
public function checkPassword(): bool
private function checkPassword(): bool
$headers = array_change_key_case(array: getallheaders(), case: CASE_UPPER);
$apiKey = $headers['X-API-KEY'] ?? '';
@ -310,12 +331,15 @@ class RequestController
return true;
* @return void
public function handleDomainGetRequest(): void
private function handleDomainsGetRequest(): void
if ($this->uri[3] == 'name') {
$name = $this->uri[3] ?? '';
if ($name == 'name') {
if ($result = $this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $this->uri[4])) {
$domain = [
'id' => $result->getId(),
@ -329,10 +353,10 @@ class RequestController
$this->message = "The specified domain was not found.";
} else {
if (empty($this->uri[3])) {
if (empty($name)) {
} else {
$id = intval(value: $this->uri['3']);
$id = intval(value: $name);
if ($id > 0) {
if ($result = $this->domainRepository->findById(id: $id)) {
$domain = [
@ -360,7 +384,7 @@ class RequestController
* @return void
public function handleDomainPostRequest(): void
private function handleDomainsPostRequest(): void
$name = $_POST['name'] ?? '';
$panel = $_POST['panel'] ?? '';
@ -398,12 +422,12 @@ class RequestController
* @return void
public function handleDomainPutRequest(): void
private function handleDomainsPutRequest(): void
$putData = fopen(filename: 'php://input', mode: 'r');
$data = fread(stream: $putData, length: 512);
$data = fread(stream: $putData, length: 8192);
$params = explode(separator: '&', string: $data);
foreach ($params as $param) {
[$key, $value] = explode(separator: '=', string: $param);
$put[$key] = $value;
@ -435,8 +459,7 @@ class RequestController
* @return void
function handleDomainDeleteRequest(): void
private function handleDomainsDeleteRequest(): void
$deleteData = fopen(filename: 'php://input', mode: 'r');
$data = fread(stream: $deleteData, length: 512);
@ -468,4 +491,154 @@ class RequestController
private function apiDoc()
//TODO forward to apidoch …
* @param String $host
* @return string
private function getDomain(String $host): string
$host = strtolower(string: trim(string: $host));
$count = substr_count(haystack: $host, needle: '.');
if ($count == 2){
if (strlen(string: explode(separator: '.', string: $host)[1]) > 3) {
$host = explode(separator: '.', string: $host, limit: 2)[1];
} else if ($count > 2) {
$host = $this->getDomain(host: explode(separator: '.', string: $host, limit: 2)[1]);
return $host;
private function handleDynDNS()
if ($this->checkPassword()) {
$host = $this->uri[3] ?? '';
if (empty($host)) {
$this->header = '400 Bad Request';
$this->status = '400 Bad Request';
} else {
$a = $_POST['a'] ?? '';
$aaaa = $_POST['aaaa'] ?? '';
if (empty($a) && empty($aaaa)) {
$address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (filter_var(value: $address, filter: FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, options: FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
$aaaa = $address;
} else {
$a = $address;
$domainName = $this->getDomain(host: $host);
$hostName = str_replace(search: '.' . $domainName, replace: '', subject: $host);
$domain = $this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $domainName);
$panel = $this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $domain->getPanel());
if (!empty($panel->getAaaa())) {
$domainData = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 6,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'domains/name/' . $domainName,
serverType: 'panel');
} else {
$domainData = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 4,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'domains/name/' . $domainName,
serverType: 'panel');
$domainDecodedData = json_decode(json: $domainData['data']);
$domainID = $domainDecodedData->id;
if (!empty($panel->getAaaa())) {
$dnsData = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 6,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'dns/' . $domainID,
serverType: 'panel');
} else {
$dnsData = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 4,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'dns/' . $domainID,
serverType: 'panel');
$dnsDataDecoded = json_decode(json: $dnsData['data']);
$soa = $dnsDataDecoded->records->soa;
$others = $dnsDataDecoded->records->other;
$updateHost = function(object $host) use ($hostName, $a, $aaaa) {
if ($host->host == $hostName) {
if ($host->type == 'A') {
if (!empty($a)) {
$host->value = $a;
} else {
if (!empty($aaaa)) {
$host->value = $aaaa;
array_map(callback: $updateHost, array: $others);
$newDnsData = json_encode(value: [
'records' => [
'soa' => $soa,
'other' => $others
if (!empty($panel->getAaaa())) {
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'PUT',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 6,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'dns/' . $domainID,
serverType: 'panel',
body: json_decode(json: $newDnsData, associative: true)
} else {
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'PUT',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 4,
apiKey: $panel->getApikey(),
command: 'dns/' . $domainID,
serverType: 'panel',
body: json_decode(json: $newDnsData, associative: true)
if ($result['header'] == 200) {
$this->header = '200 OK';
$this->status = json_encode(value: ['message' => 'Domain successfully updated']);