added logger
Signed-off-by: tracer <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ define(constant_name: 'COLOR_DEFAULT', value: "\033[39m");
use App\Entity\Domain;
use App\Entity\Nameserver;
use App\Entity\Panel;
use App\Repository\ApikeyRepository;
use App\Repository\DomainRepository;
@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ use DI\ContainerBuilder;
use DI\DependencyException;
use DI\NotFoundException;
use LucidFrame\Console\ConsoleTable;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use UnhandledMatchError;
use function DI\autowire;
@ -36,14 +40,14 @@ if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
class BindAPI
//private DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection;
private DomainController $domainController;
private PanelController $panelController;
private NameserverController $nameserverController;
private CheckController $checkController;
private DomainRepository $domainRepository;
private NameserverRepository $nameserverRepository;
private Logger $log;
private ApiController $apiController;
private ApikeyRepository $apikeyRepository;
private DomainController $domainController;
private DomainRepository $domainRepository;
private NameserverController $nameserverController;
private NameserverRepository $nameserverRepository;
private PanelController $panelController;
private PanelRepository $panelRepository;
private Container $container;
@ -55,26 +59,46 @@ class BindAPI
public function __construct(private array $config, private int $argumentsCount, private array $arguments)
$dateFormat = "Y:m:d H:i:s";
$output = "%datetime% %channel%.%level_name% %message%\n"; // %context% %extra%
$formatter = new LineFormatter(format: $output, dateFormat: $dateFormat);
$stream = new StreamHandler(stream: dirname(path: __DIR__, levels: 2) . '/bindAPI.log');
$stream->setFormatter(formatter: $formatter);
$this->log = new Logger(name: 'bindAPI');
$this->log->pushHandler(handler: $stream);
$containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
DatabaseConnection::class => autowire()->constructorParameter(parameter: 'config', value: $this->config),
DomainController::class => autowire()
->constructorParameter(parameter: 'config', value: $this->config)
->constructorParameter(parameter: 'log', value: $this->log),
DomainRepository::class => autowire()
->constructorParameter(parameter: 'config', value: $this->config)
->constructorParameter(parameter: 'log', value: $this->log),
$this->container = $containerBuilder->build();
//$this->databaseConnection = $this->container->get(name: DatabaseConnection::class);
$this->panelController = $this->container->get(name: PanelController::class);
$this->checkController = $this->container->get(name: CheckController::class);
$this->nameserverController = $this->container->get(name: NameserverController::class);
$this->apiController = $this->container->get(name: ApiController::class);
$this->domainController = $this->container->get(name: DomainController::class);
$this->domainRepository = $this->container->get(name: DomainRepository::class);
$this->nameserverController = $this->container->get(name: NameserverController::class);
$this->nameserverRepository = $this->container->get(name: NameserverRepository::class);
$this->apikeyRepository = $this->container->get(name: ApikeyRepository::class);
$this->panelController = $this->container->get(name: PanelController::class);
$this->panelRepository = $this->container->get(name: PanelRepository::class);
$this->apikeyRepository = $this->container->get(name: ApikeyRepository::class);
//$dotenv->required(['DB_HOST', 'DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASS']);
function runCommand()
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "runCommand()");
if ($this->argumentsCount < 1) {
@ -106,12 +130,16 @@ class BindAPI
function showUsage(): void
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "showUsage()");
echo COLOR_YELLOW . 'Usage:' . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_DEFAULT . "\t./bin/console {options} {arguments}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_YELLOW . 'Options:' . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t-v, --version\t\t" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "Display the version of the API" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t-V, --verbose\t\t" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "All :list command are auto-verbose" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t-V, --verbose\t\t" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "All :lists command are auto-verbose" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_YELLOW . "check" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "\t health checks the system can perform" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t check:permissions" . PHP_EOL;
@ -122,26 +150,26 @@ class BindAPI
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:list" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:create <name> {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>} {apikey=<API-Key>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:update <ID> {name=<name>} {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>} {apikey=<API-Key>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:delete" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:delete <ID>" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t panels:apiping {<ID>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_YELLOW . "nameservers" . COLOR_DEFAULT . " available nameservers" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:list" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:create <name> {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>} {apikey=<API-Key>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:update <ID> {name=<name>} {panel_id=<ID>} {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>} {apikey=<API-Key>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:update <ID> {name=<name>} {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>} {apikey=<API-Key>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:delete <ID>" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t nameservers:apiping {<ID>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_YELLOW . "domains" . COLOR_DEFAULT . " domains this server is responsible for" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:list" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:create <name> {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:update <ID> {name=<name>} {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:create <name> {panel_id=<ID>} | {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:update <ID> {name=<name>} {panel_id=<ID>} | {A=<IPv4>} {AAAA=<IPv6>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t domains:delete <ID>" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_YELLOW . "apikeys" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "\t API keys for other nameservers" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t apikeys:list" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t apikeys:create {name=<name>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t apikeys:update <ID> name=<name>" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t apikeys:update <ID> {name=<name>}" . PHP_EOL;
echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t apikeys:delete <ID>" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL . "\033[39me.g. ./bin/console apikeys:list" . PHP_EOL;
@ -149,6 +177,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handleChecks(string $subcommand)
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handleChecks()");
try {
match ($subcommand) {
'permissions' => $this->handleCheckPermissions(),
@ -167,6 +199,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handleCheckPermissions()
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handleCheckPermissions()");
@ -176,6 +212,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handleCheckPanels()
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handleCheckPanels()");
$id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0);
if ($id != 0) {
@ -193,17 +233,22 @@ class BindAPI
* @param array $panel
* @param \App\Entity\Panel $panel
* @return void
public function checkSinglePanel(Panel $panel): void
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "checkSinglePanel()");
echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'Keyhelp-Panel: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel->getName() . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($panel->getAaaa())) {
try {
$result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 6,
@ -216,7 +261,7 @@ class BindAPI
} else {
try {
$result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $panel->getName(),
versionIP: 4,
@ -263,6 +308,10 @@ class BindAPI
function isValidSecondLevelDomain(string $domainName, string $panel, int $parent): bool
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "isValidSecondLevelDomain()");
// subdomain
if ($parent != 0) {
return false;
@ -294,6 +343,10 @@ class BindAPI
function checkNS(string $domainName, $panel)
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "checkNS()");
try {
$nameServers = $this->nameserverRepository->findAll();
} catch (DependencyException|NotFoundException $e) {
@ -309,7 +362,7 @@ class BindAPI
try {
if (!empty($nameServer->getName())) {
$result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $nameServer->getName(),
versionIP: 6,
@ -317,7 +370,7 @@ class BindAPI
command: 'domains/' . $domainName,
serverType: 'nameserver');
} else {
$result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
$result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $nameServer->getName(),
versionIP: 4,
@ -332,7 +385,7 @@ class BindAPI
if ($result['header'] == 200) {
echo COLOR_GREEN . ' OK';
} else {
echo COLOR_RED . ' missing' . COLOR_DEFAULT;
echo COLOR_RED . $result['header'] . COLOR_DEFAULT;
$arguments = $this->parseArguments();
if (!empty($arguments['fix']) && $arguments['fix'] == 'yes') {
echo 'trying to fix …';
@ -342,7 +395,7 @@ class BindAPI
try {
if (!empty($nameServer['aaaa'])) {
requestType: 'POST',
serverName: $nameServer['name'],
versionIP: 6,
@ -351,7 +404,7 @@ class BindAPI
serverType: 'nameserver',
body: $body);
} else {
requestType: 'POST',
serverName: $nameServer['name'],
versionIP: 4,
@ -375,6 +428,10 @@ class BindAPI
public function parseArguments(): array
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "parseArguments()");
$arguments = [];
foreach ($this->arguments as $argument) {
if (str_contains(haystack: $argument, needle: '=')) {
@ -394,6 +451,10 @@ class BindAPI
public function handlePanels(string $subcommand): void
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handlePanels()");
try {
match ($subcommand) {
'create' => $this->handlePanelsCreate(),
@ -414,6 +475,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handlePanelsCreate(): void
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handlePanelsCreate()");
$name = $this->arguments[1] ?? '';
if (empty($name)) {
echo 'You need to supply the panel name.' . PHP_EOL;
@ -458,6 +523,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handlePanelsList(): void
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handlePanelsList()");
echo 'All available panels:' . PHP_EOL;
try {
$panels = $this->panelRepository->findAll();
@ -491,12 +560,17 @@ class BindAPI
* @throws \DI\DependencyException
* @throws \DI\NotFoundException
function handlePanelsUpdate()
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handlePanelsUpdate()");
$arguments = $this->parseArguments();
$id = $this->arguments[1] ?? 0;
@ -526,6 +600,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handlePanelsDelete()
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handlePanelsDelete()");
if (empty($this->arguments[1])) {
echo "You need to supply an ID." . PHP_EOL;
@ -550,6 +628,10 @@ class BindAPI
function handleAPIPing(string $type)
if ($this->config['debug']) {
$this->log->debug(message: "handleApiPing()");
$error = false;
$id = $this->getId();
@ -644,7 +726,7 @@ class BindAPI
echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' ' . str_pad(string: $a, length: $maxA, pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ';
try {
if ($result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
if ($result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $server['name'],
versionIP: 4,
@ -671,7 +753,7 @@ class BindAPI
echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' ' . str_pad(string: $aaaa, length: $maxAAAA, pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ';
try {
if ($result = $this->checkController->sendCommand(
if ($result = $this->apiController->sendCommand(
requestType: 'GET',
serverName: $server['name'],
versionIP: 6,
@ -924,16 +1006,16 @@ class BindAPI
echo "Domain: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$result = $this->domainRepository->insert(name: $name, panelID: $panelID, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa);
echo "Domain $name has been created with id $result" . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($panelID)) {
if ($panel = $this->panelController->findByID(id: $panelID)) {
$a = $panel['a'];
$aaaa = $panel['aaaa'];
$this->domainController->createZoneFile(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa);
$domain = new Domain(name: $name, id: $panelID, panelID: $a, a: $aaaa);
$result = $this->domainRepository->insert(domain: $domain);
echo "Domain $name has been created with id $result" . PHP_EOL;
$this->domainController->createZoneFile(domain: $domain);
} catch (DependencyException|NotFoundException $e) {
@ -963,19 +1045,21 @@ class BindAPI
echo "Domain with ID : $id doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL;
if ($this->domainRepository->update(id: $id, name: $name, panelID: $panelID, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa) !== false) {
if (!empty($panelID)) {
$panel = $this->panelController->findByID(id: $panelID);
$a = $panel['a'];
$aaaa = $panel['aaaa'];
$newDomain = new Domain(name: $name, id: $panelID, panelID: $a, a: $aaaa);
if ($this->domainRepository->update(domain: $newDomain) !== false) {
echo 'Domain server has been updated' . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($panelID)) {
$panel = $this->panelController->findByID(id: $panelID);
$a = $panel['a'];
$aaaa = $panel['aaaa'];
$this->domainController->createZoneFile(name: $domain['name'], a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa);
$this->domainController->createZoneFile(domain: $domain);
} else {
echo 'Error while updating domain server.' . PHP_EOL;
* @throws \DI\DependencyException
* @throws \DI\NotFoundException
@ -992,20 +1076,22 @@ class BindAPI
echo "Domain with ID $id not found." . PHP_EOL;
if (!$this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) {
if (!$domain = $this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) {
echo "There is no domain with ID $id." . PHP_EOL;
$this->domainController->deleteZone(id: $id);
$this->domainController->deleteZone(domain: $domain);
echo "The domain with ID $id has been deleted." . PHP_EOL;
* @param string $subcommand
* @return void
public function handleNameservers(string $subcommand): void
function handleNameservers(string $subcommand): void
try {
match ($subcommand) {
@ -1022,6 +1108,7 @@ class BindAPI
* @return void
@ -1056,7 +1143,8 @@ class BindAPI
echo "Nameserver: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$result = $this->nameserverRepository->insert(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, apikey: $apikey);
$nameserver = new Nameserver(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, apikey: $apikey);
$result = $this->nameserverRepository->insert(nameserver: $nameserver);
echo "Nameserver $name has been created with id $result" . PHP_EOL;
@ -1066,6 +1154,7 @@ class BindAPI
* @return void
@ -1104,6 +1193,7 @@ class BindAPI
* @throws \DI\DependencyException
* @throws \DI\NotFoundException
@ -1133,6 +1223,7 @@ class BindAPI
* @throws \DI\DependencyException
* @throws \DI\NotFoundException
Reference in New Issue
Block a user