runCheckSetup(); $this->commandGroupContainer = (new CommandGroupContainer()) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'check', description: 'health checks the system can perform')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'permissions', callback: function () { $this->checkPermissions(); }, description: 'health checks the system can perform')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'panels', callback: function () { $this->checkPanels(); }, optionalParameters: ['ID', 'fix=xes'])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'domains', callback: function () { $this->checkDomains(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'mail', callback: function () { $this->checkMail(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'showincludes', callback: function () { $this->checkShowIncludes(); }, description: 'Shows needed setting on panels')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'generatekey', callback: function () { $this->checkGenerateKey(); }, description: 'Generates a a new key for encryption')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'setup', callback: function () { $this->checkSetup(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['username'], description: 'Adapt filesystem permissions (requires elaborated permissions)')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'version', callback: function () { $this->checksVersion(); }, optionalParameters: ['major:minor:patch'], description: 'Read or set the bindApi version in the database'))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'panels', description: 'all KeyHelp systems configured')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'list', callback: function () { $this->panelsList(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'create', callback: function () { $this->panelsCreate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['name'], optionalParameters: ['A=', 'AAAA=', 'apikey='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'update', callback: function () { $this->panelsUpdate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID'], optionalParameters: ['name=', 'A=', 'AAAA=', 'apikey='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'delete', callback: function () { $this->panelsDelete(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID'])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'apiping', callback: function () { $this->apiPing(type: 'panel'); }, optionalParameters: ['ID']))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'nameservers', description: 'available nameservers')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'list', callback: function () { $this->nameserversList(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'create', callback: function () { $this->nameserversCreate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['name'], optionalParameters: ['A=', 'AAAA=', 'apikey='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'update', callback: function () { $this->nameserversUpdate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID'], optionalParameters: ['name=', 'A=', 'AAAA=', 'apikey='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'delete', callback: function () { $this->nameserversDelete(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID'])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'apiping', callback: function () { $this->apiPing(type: 'nameserver'); }, optionalParameters: ['ID']))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'domains', description: 'configured domains')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'list', callback: function () { $this->domainsList(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'refresh', callback: function () { $this->domainsRefresh(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['name'], optionalParameters: ['A=', 'AAAA=', 'apikey=']))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'dyndns', description: 'handle DynDNS entries')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'list', callback: function () { $this->dynDnsList(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'create', callback: function () { $this->dynDnsCreate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['', 'password'], optionalParameters: ['A=', 'AAAA='], description: 'FQDN within a domain where this server is master')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'update', callback: function () { $this->dynDnyUpdate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['',], optionalParameters: ['password=', 'A=', 'AAAA='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'delete', callback: function () { $this->dynDnsDelete(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID']))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'apikeys', description: 'API keys to access this bindAPI')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'list', callback: function () { $this->apikeysList(); })) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'create', callback: function () { $this->apikeysCreate(); }, optionalParameters: ['name='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'update', callback: function () { $this->apikeysUpdate(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID',], optionalParameters: ['name='])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'delete', callback: function () { $this->apikeysDelete(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID']))) ->addCommandGroup(commandGroup: (new CommandGroup(name: 'webmail', description: 'manage webmail setup')) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'check', callback: function () { $this->webmailCheck(); }, mandatoryParameters: [''] )) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'create', callback: function () { $this->webmailCreate(); }, mandatoryParameters: [''])) ->addCommand(command: new Command( name: 'delete', callback: function () { $this->webmailDelete(); }, mandatoryParameters: ['ID']))); } function runCheckSetup(): void { if (!$this->domainController->checkPermissions(quiet: true)) { echo COLOR_RED . 'You need to setup the bindAPI first.' . COLOR_DEFAULT .PHP_EOL; } $self = $this->panelRepository->findSelf(); $panelCount = count($self); if ($panelCount != 1) { if ($panelCount == 0) { echo 'No panel marked as this server.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Use ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'panels:update self=1 ' . COLOR_DEFAULT . 'to mark this panel.' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Only one panel can be marked as self.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Use ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'panels:update self=0 ' . COLOR_DEFAULT . 'to remove the stale panel' . PHP_EOL; } } } function runCommand(array $arguments): void { if (count($arguments) < 1) { $this->showUsage(); exit(0); } $this->logger->debug(message: "runCommand()"); if (str_contains(haystack: $arguments[0], needle: ':')) { [$command, $subcommand] = explode(separator: ':', string: $arguments[0]); } else { $command = $arguments[0]; $subcommand = ''; } $this->arguments = $this->parseArguments(arguments: $arguments); $this->commandGroupContainer->run(command: $command, subcommand: $subcommand); } /** * @return void */ function showUsage(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "showUsage()"); $debug = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'debug'); echo 'bindAPI version: todo (env: todo) '; echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ')' . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_YELLOW . 'Usage:' . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_DEFAULT . "\t./bin/console {options} {arguments}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_YELLOW . 'Options:' . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t-v, --version\t\t" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "Display the version of the API" . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_GREEN . "\t-V, --verbose\t\t" . COLOR_DEFAULT . "All :lists command are auto-verbose" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_YELLOW . 'Arguments: ' . COLOR_WHITE . ' {optional}' . PHP_EOL; $this->commandGroupContainer->printCommands(); echo PHP_EOL . "\033[39me.g. ./bin/console apikeys:list" . PHP_EOL; } /** */ public function checkPermissions(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "checkPermissions()"); if (!$this->domainController->checkPermissions()) { if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo PHP_EOL . COLOR_DEFAULT; echo 'Missing permissions, please run ' . COLOR_YELLOW . './bin/console check:setup' . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' as root or with sudo.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } else { exit(0); } } function checkSetup(): void { if (empty($this->arguments[1])) { echo 'You need to supply a username.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $username = $this->arguments[1]; $uid = posix_getuid(); if ($uid != 0) { echo 'You need to run this as root or with sudo.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } // deluser tracer bind // adduser tracer bind // add user to group bind exec(command: "adduser $username bind", output: $output, result_code: $return); if ($return != 0) { echo 'Could not add user to bind group.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } // for /etc/bind/local.zones file if (!file_exists(filename: $this->domainController->localZoneFile)) { echo 'Could not find ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Creating …'; touch(filename: $this->domainController->localZoneFile); if (!file_exists(filename: $this->domainController->localZoneFile)) { echo 'Could not create ' . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } else { echo ' done.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Setting owner …'; if (chown(filename: $this->domainController->localZoneFile, user: 'bind')) { echo " done." . PHP_EOL; } echo 'Setting permissions …'; if (chmod(filename: $this->domainController->localZoneFile, permissions: 0664)) { echo " done." . PHP_EOL; } } } // /etc/bind/local.zones file must be included in /etc/bind/named.conf.local $namedConfLocal = file_get_contents(filename: $this->domainController->namedConfLocalFile); if (str_contains(haystack: $namedConfLocal, needle: $this->domainController->localZoneFile)) { echo 'Found ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' in ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->namedConfLocalFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Could not find ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' in ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->namedConfLocalFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Adding …'; $namedConfLocal .= PHP_EOL . 'include "' . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . '";' . PHP_EOL; file_put_contents(filename: $this->domainController->namedConfLocalFile, data: $namedConfLocal); if (str_contains(haystack: $namedConfLocal, needle: $this->domainController->localZoneFile)) { echo ' done.' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Could not add ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZoneFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' to ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->namedConfLocalFile . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } // check /etc/bind/zones exists echo 'Check for ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZonesDir . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' …'; if (is_dir(filename: $this->domainController->localZonesDir)) { echo " done." . PHP_EOL; } else { echo ' Could not find ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $this->domainController->localZonesDir . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Creating …'; mkdir(directory: $this->domainController->localZonesDir, permissions: 0775, recursive: true); echo ' done.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Setting owner …'; if (chown(filename: $this->domainController->localZonesDir, user: 'bind')) { echo " done." . PHP_EOL; } echo 'Setting permissions …'; if (chmod(filename: $this->domainController->localZonesDir, permissions: 0774)) { echo " done." . PHP_EOL; } } } /** */ function checkPanels(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "checkPanels()"); $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); if ($id != 0) { if ($panel = $this->panelRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { $this->checkSinglePanel(panel: $panel); } else { echo "Unknown panel ID $id" . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo "check all …" . PHP_EOL; $panels = $this->panelRepository->findAll(); foreach ($panels as $panel) { $this->checkSinglePanel(panel: $panel); } } } /** * @param Panel $panel * * @return void */ public function checkSinglePanel(Panel $panel): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "checkSinglePanel()"); echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'KeyHelp-Panel: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel->getName() . COLOR_DEFAULT; $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $panel->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { if (empty($panel->getA())) { $panelRequest = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: '/server', serverType: 'panel'); } else { $panelRequest = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: '/server', serverType: 'panel'); } $panelData = json_decode(json: $panelRequest['data']); if (!empty($panelData)) { $panelVersion = $panelData->meta->panel_version; $responseTime = sprintf("%0.3f", $panelRequest['responseTime']); } else { $panelVersion = 'n/a'; $responseTime = 'n/a'; } echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' KeyHelp version: ' . $panelVersion . " ($responseTime seconds)" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo PHP_EOL; } if (empty($panel->getA())) { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains?sort=domain&subdomains=false', serverType: 'panel' ); } else { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains?sort=domain&subdomains=false', serverType: 'panel'); } if (!empty($result['error'])) { echo $result['data'] . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!empty($result['data'])) { $domains = json_decode(json: $result['data']); } else { echo 'No domains found' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $maxDomainNameLength = 0; $tmpDomainList = []; $mapper = new JsonMapper(); if (count($domains) > 0) { foreach ($domains as $domain) { $mapper->bExceptionOnUndefinedProperty = true; $mapper->bStrictNullTypes = false; try { $domainObject = $mapper->map(json: $domain, object: new KeyHelpDomain()); } catch (JsonMapper_Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); } $tmpDomainList[] = $domainObject; if (strlen(string: $domain->domain) > $maxDomainNameLength) { $maxDomainNameLength = strlen(string: $domain->domain); } } } $domainCount = 0; foreach ($tmpDomainList as $domain) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . " Domain: " . COLOR_YELLOW . str_pad(string: $domain->getDomain(), length: $maxDomainNameLength); if (!$domain->isSubdomain()) { $this->checkNS(domainName: $domain->getDomain(), panel: $panel); $domainCount++; } } if ($domainCount == 0) { echo 'No second level domains found.' . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; try { sodium_memzero(string: $decryptedKey); } catch (SodiumException $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); } } function isSubDomain(Domain $domain): bool { $this->logger->debug(message: "isSubDomain()"); // valid second level domain if (!Validator::endsWithTld(value: $domain)) { return false; } $domainParts = explode(separator: '.', string: $domain->getName()); $reversedParts = array_reverse(array: $domainParts); $testDomain = ''; $foundDomain = ''; foreach ($reversedParts as $part) { if ($testDomain) { $testDomain = $part . '.' . $testDomain; } else { $testDomain = $part; } if ($this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $testDomain)) { $foundDomain = $testDomain; echo $part . PHP_EOL; } } echo "fould domain ***" . $foundDomain . PHP_EOL; /* // system domain if (str_contains(haystack: $domainName, needle: $panel)) { return false; } // no second level domain if (substr_count(haystack: $domainName, needle: '.') > 1) { return false; } */ return true; } function isValidSecondLevelDomain(string $domainName, string $panel, int $parent): bool { $this->logger->debug(message: "isValidSecondLevelDomain()"); // subdomain if ($parent != 0) { return false; } // system domain if (str_contains(haystack: $domainName, needle: $panel)) { return false; } // valid second level domain if (!Validator::endsWithTld(value: $domainName)) { return false; } // no second level domain if (substr_count(haystack: $domainName, needle: '.') > 1) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param String $domainName * @param Panel $panel * * @return void */ function checkNS(string $domainName, Panel $panel): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "checkNS()"); $nameservers = $this->nameserverRepository->findAll(); foreach ($nameservers as $nameserver) { $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $nameserver->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); echo COLOR_YELLOW . ' ' . $nameserver->getName(); if (!empty($nameserver->getName())) { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $nameserver->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains/name/' . $domainName, serverType: 'nameserver'); } else { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $nameserver->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey(), command: 'domains/name/', serverType: 'nameserver' . $domainName); } switch ($result['header']) { case 200: echo COLOR_GREEN . ' OK'; break; case 404: echo COLOR_RED . ' ' . $result['header'] . COLOR_DEFAULT; if (!empty($this->arguments['fix']) && $this->arguments['fix'] == 'yes') { echo ' trying to fix …'; $body = [ 'name' => $domainName, 'panel' => $panel->getName(), ]; $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $nameserver->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); if (!empty($nameserver->getAaaa())) { $create = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'POST', serverName: $nameserver->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains', serverType: 'nameserver', body: $body); } else { $create = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'POST', serverName: $nameserver->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey(), command: 'domains', serverType: 'nameserver', body: $body); } if ($create['header'] != 201) { print_r(value: $create); die("make error handling"); } else { echo COLOR_GREEN . 'OK' . COLOR_DEFAULT; } } break; default: echo 'Server error' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } echo PHP_EOL; } /** * @param array $arguments * @return array */ public function parseArguments(array $arguments): array { $this->logger->debug(message: "parseArguments()"); $parsedArguments = []; $parseCount = 0; foreach ($arguments as $argument) { if (str_contains(haystack: $argument, needle: '=')) { [$key, $value] = explode(separator: '=', string: $argument); $parsedArguments[strtolower(string: $key)] = $value; $parsedArguments[$parseCount++] = $value; } else { $parsedArguments[strtolower(string: $argument)] = $argument; $parsedArguments[$parseCount++] = $argument; } } return $parsedArguments; } /** * @return void */ function panelsCreate(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "panelsCreate()"); $name = $this->arguments[1] ?? ''; if (empty($name)) { echo 'You need to supply the panel name.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $filteredName = filter_var(value: $name, filter: FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN, options: FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME); if (!empty($filteredName) && str_contains(haystack: $filteredName, needle: '.')) { $name = $filteredName; } else { echo "$name is no valid DNS domain name." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $a = $this->arguments['a'] ?? ''; $aaaa = $this->arguments['aaaa'] ?? ''; if (empty($a) && empty($aaaa)) { echo 'At least one IP address is required.' . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } $apikey = $this->arguments['apikey'] ?? ''; $self = $this->arguments['self'] ?? 'no'; if ($this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $name)) { echo "Panel: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } else { $panel = new Panel(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, passphrase: $apikey, self: $self); $result = $this->panelRepository->insert(panel: $panel); echo "Panel $name has been created with id $result" . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } } /** * @return void */ function panelsList(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "panelsList()"); $panels = $this->panelRepository->findAll(); if (!empty($panels)) { echo 'All available panels:' . PHP_EOL; $table = new ConsoleTable(); $table->setHeaders(content: ['ID', 'Name', 'A', 'AAAA', 'API Key (Prefix)', 'This Panel']); foreach ($panels as $panel) { $row = []; $row[] = $panel->getID(); $row[] = $panel->getName(); $row[] = $panel->getA(); $row[] = $panel->getAaaa(); $row[] = $panel->getApikeyPrefix(); $row[] = ucfirst(string: $panel->getSelf()); $table->addRow(data: $row); } $table->setPadding(value: 2); $table->display(); } else { echo 'No panels found.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } exit(0); } /** */ function panelsUpdate(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "panelsUpdate()"); $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); $name = $this->arguments['name'] ?? ''; $a = $this->arguments['a'] ?? ''; $aaaa = $this->arguments['aaaa'] ?? ''; $apikey = $this->arguments['apikey'] ?? ''; $self = $this->arguments['self'] ?? ''; if ($id == 0) { echo 'An ID is required' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$this->panelRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { echo "Panel with ID : $id doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($apikey) { $panel = new Panel(name: $name, id: $id, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, passphrase: $apikey, self: $self); } else { $panel = new Panel(name: $name, id: $id, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, self: $self); } if ($this->panelRepository->update(panel: $panel) !== false) { echo 'Panel ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been updated' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Error while updating domain server.' . PHP_EOL; } } /** */ function panelsDelete(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "panelsDelete()"); if (empty($this->arguments[1])) { echo "You need to supply an ID." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1]) ?? 0; if ($id == 0) { echo "Panel with ID $id not found." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$this->panelRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { echo "There is no panel with ID $id." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $this->panelRepository->delete(id: $id); echo "The panel with ID $id has been deleted." . PHP_EOL; } /** */ function apiPing(string $type): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "apiPing()"); $error = false; $id = $this->getId(); if ($id != 0) { if ($type == 'panel') { $server = $this->panelRepository->findByID(id: $id); } else { $server = $this->nameserverRepository->findByID(id: $id); } if ($server) { if (!$this->checkPing(server: $server, type: $type)) { $error = true; } } else { if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { echo "Unknown $type ID $id" . PHP_EOL; } $error = true; } } else { if ($type == 'panel') { $servers = $this->panelRepository->findAll(); } else { $servers = $this->nameserverRepository->findAll(); } foreach ($servers as $server) { if (!$this->checkPing(server: $server, type: $type)) { $error = true; } } } if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { echo PHP_EOL; } if ($error) { if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo 'There were errors, run command with -V (or -verbose) to see the errors.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } else { exit(0); } } /** * @return int|void */ public function getId() { if (!empty($this->arguments[1])) { $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); if ($id != $this->arguments[1]) { echo 'ID has to be a number.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } else { $id = 0; } return $id; } /** * @param Panel|Nameserver $server * @param String $type * * @return bool */ public function checkPing(Panel|Nameserver $server, string $type): bool { $this->logger->debug(message: "checkPing() - server, type: " . $server->getName() . ', ' . $type); $error = false; if ($type == 'nameserver') { $maxName = $this->nameserverRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'name'); $maxA = $this->nameserverRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'a'); $maxAAAA = $this->nameserverRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'aaaa'); } else { $maxName = $this->panelRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'name'); $maxA = $this->panelRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'a'); $maxAAAA = $this->panelRepository->getLongestEntry(field: 'aaaa'); } if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { echo COLOR_YELLOW . str_pad(string: $server->getName(), length: $maxName); } $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $server->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); $a = $server->getA() ?? ''; if (!empty($a)) { $this->logger->debug("check a"); if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' ' . str_pad(string: $a, length: $maxA, pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' '; } if ($result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $server->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'ping', serverType: $type)) { if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { if ($result['data'] == 'pong') { echo ' ' . COLOR_GREEN . $result['data']; } else { echo COLOR_BLUE . ' skip' . COLOR_DEFAULT; if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo ' ' . $result['data']; } } } } else { $error = true; } } $aaaa = $server->getAaaa() ?? ''; if (!empty($aaaa)) { $this->logger->debug("check aaaa"); if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' ' . str_pad(string: $aaaa, length: $maxAAAA, pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' '; } if ($result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $server->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'ping', serverType: $type)) { if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { if ($result['data'] == 'pong') { echo ' ' . COLOR_GREEN . $result['data']; } else { echo COLOR_BLUE . ' skip' . COLOR_DEFAULT; if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo ' ' . $result['data']; } } } } else { $error = true; } } try { sodium_memzero(string: $decryptedKey); } catch (SodiumException $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); } if (!$this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet')) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } return !$error; } /** * @return void */ function apikeysCreate(): void { $name = $this->arguments['name'] ?? ''; $apiKeyPrefix = uniqid(); try { $apikeyRand = bin2hex(string: random_bytes(length: 24)); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); } $passphrase = password_hash(password: $apiKeyPrefix . '.' . $apikeyRand, algo: PASSWORD_ARGON2ID); $apikey = new Apikey(name: $name, apikeyPrefix: $apiKeyPrefix, passphrase: $passphrase); $result = $this->apikeyRepository->insert(apikey: $apikey); if ($name) { echo 'API key ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT; } else { echo 'Unnamed API key '; } echo ' with ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $result . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been generated. Store it in a safe place, it cannot be recovered.' . PHP_EOL; echo COLOR_YELLOW . $apiKeyPrefix . '.' . $apikeyRand . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } /** * @return void */ function apikeysList(): void { $keys = $this->apikeyRepository->findAll(); if (!empty($keys)) { echo 'All valid API keys:' . PHP_EOL; $table = new ConsoleTable(); $table->setHeaders(content: ['ID', 'Name', 'API key prefix']); foreach ($keys as $key) { $row = []; $row[] = $key->getID(); $row[] = $key->getName(); $row[] = $key->getApikeyPrefix(); $table->addRow(data: $row); } $table->setPadding(value: 2); $table->display(); } else { echo 'No keys found.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } /** */ function apikeysUpdate(): void { $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1]) ?? 0; $name = $this->arguments['name'] ?? ''; if ($id == 0) { echo 'An ID is required' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$this->apikeyRepository->findByID(id: intval(value: $id))) { echo "Apikeys with ID : $id doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$name) { echo 'You need tu supply a name.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $apikey = new Apikey(id: $id, name: $name); if ($this->apikeyRepository->update(apikey: $apikey) !== false) { echo 'Apikey has been updated' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Error while updating apikey.' . PHP_EOL; } } /** * @return void */ function apikeysDelete(): void { $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); if ($id == 0) { echo 'You need to add the ID of the API key.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($this->apikeyRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { $this->apikeyRepository->delete(id: $id); echo 'API key ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been deleted.' . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } else { echo 'Unknown ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } /** * @return void */ function domainsList(): void { $domains = $this->domainRepository->findAll(); if (!empty($domains)) { echo 'All available domains:' . PHP_EOL; $table = new ConsoleTable(); $table->setHeaders(content: ['ID', 'Name', 'Panel', 'Type']); /** @var Domain $domain */ foreach ($domains as $domain) { $row = []; $row[] = $domain->getId(); $row[] = $domain->getName(); $row[] = $domain->getPanel(); $row[] = $this->domainController->isMasterZone(domain: $domain) ? 'MASTER' : 'SLAVE'; $table->addRow(data: $row); } $table->setPadding(value: 2); $table->display(); } else { echo 'No domains found.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } /** * @return void */ function dynDnsList(): void { $dyndns = $this->dynDNSRepository->findAll(); if (!empty($dyndns)) { echo 'All available DynDNS hosts:' . PHP_EOL; $table = new ConsoleTable(); $table->setHeaders(content: ['ID', 'Name', 'Panel', 'Type']); /** @var \App\Entity\DynDNS $dyndnsHost */ foreach ($dyndns as $dyndnsHost) { $row = []; $row[] = $dyndnsHost->getId(); $row[] = $dyndnsHost->getName(); $table->addRow(data: $row); } $table->setPadding(value: 2); $table->display(); } else { echo 'No DynDNS hosts found.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } /** * @return void */ function dynDnsCreate(): void { $name = $this->arguments[1] ?? ''; if (empty($name)) { echo 'You need to supply the FQDN (hostname).' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $filteredName = filter_var(value: $name, filter: FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN, options: FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME); if (!empty($filteredName) && str_contains(haystack: $filteredName, needle: '.')) { $name = $filteredName; } else { echo "$name is no valid DNS domain name." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $password = $this->arguments[2] ?? ''; var_dump($this->arguments); die(); $domainParts = explode(separator: '.', string: $name); $reversedParts = array_reverse(array: $domainParts); $testDomain = ''; $foundDomain = ''; foreach ($reversedParts as $part) { if ($testDomain) { $testDomain = $part . '.' . $testDomain; } else { $testDomain = $part; } if ($this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $testDomain)) { $foundDomain = $testDomain; echo $part . PHP_EOL; } } if (!$foundDomain) { echo 'No matching domain found for this panel.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo "Found domain: " . COLOR_YELLOW . $foundDomain . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } // get host if ($this->dynDNSRepository->findByName(name: $name)) { if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo "DynDNS host " . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT . "already exists." . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } } else { if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo "DynDNS host " . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT . "will be created." . PHP_EOL; // insert in db $dyndnsHost = new DynDNS(name: $name); $dyndnsHost->setName($name); } } // check on NS // => add if missing if ($this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $name)) { echo "Domain: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } else { if (!$this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $panel)) { echo 'Unknown panel: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $domain = new Domain(name: $name, panel: $panel); $result = $this->domainRepository->insert(domain: $domain); echo 'Domain' . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been created with id ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $result . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; $this->domainController->createSlaveZoneFile(domain: $domain); exit(0); } } function domainsCreate(): void { // check if we're correctly setup if (!$this->domainController->checkPermissions()) { echo 'You need to setup the bindAPI first.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $name = $this->arguments[1] ?? ""; if (empty($name)) { echo 'You need to supply the domain name.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $filteredName = filter_var(value: $name, filter: FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN, options: FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME); if (!empty($filteredName) && str_contains(haystack: $filteredName, needle: '.')) { $name = $filteredName; } else { echo "$name is no valid DNS domain name." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $panel = $this->arguments['panel'] ?? ''; if (empty($panel)) { echo 'You need to supply the panel name.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $name)) { echo "Domain: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } else { if (!$this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $panel)) { echo 'Unknown panel: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $domain = new Domain(name: $name, panel: $panel); $result = $this->domainRepository->insert(domain: $domain); echo 'Domain' . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been created with id ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $result . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; $this->domainController->createSlaveZoneFile(domain: $domain); exit(0); } } /** */ function domainsUpdate(): void { // check if we're correctly setup if (!$this->domainController->checkPermissions()) { echo 'You need to setup the bindAPI first.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); $name = $this->arguments['name'] ?? ''; $panelName = $this->arguments['panel'] ?? ''; if ($id == 0) { echo 'An ID is required' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$domain = $this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { echo "Domain with ID : $id doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!empty($panelName)) { $panel = $this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $panelName); } if (empty($name) && empty($panel)) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'No name or panel given, just recreate the config file' . PHP_EOL; $this->domainController->updateSlaveZones(); exit(1); } $newDomain = new Domain(name: $name, panel: $panelName, id: $domain->getId()); if ($this->domainRepository->update(domain: $newDomain) !== false) { echo 'Domain server has been updated' . PHP_EOL; $this->domainController->updateSlaveZones(); } else { echo 'Error while updating domain server.' . PHP_EOL; } } /** */ function domainsDelete(): void { if (empty($this->arguments[1])) { echo "You need to supply an ID." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1]) ?? 0; if ($id == 0) { echo "Domain with ID $id not found." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$domain = $this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { echo "There is no domain with ID $id." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $this->domainRepository->delete(domain: $domain); $this->domainController->deleteZone(domain: $domain); echo "The domain with ID $id has been deleted." . PHP_EOL; } /** * @return void */ function nameserversCreate(): void { $name = $this->arguments[1] ?? ''; if (empty($name)) { echo 'You need to supply the nameserver name.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $filteredName = filter_var(value: $name, filter: FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN); if (!empty($filteredName) && str_contains(haystack: $filteredName, needle: '.')) { $name = $filteredName; } else { echo "$name is no valid nameserver name." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $a = $this->arguments['a'] ?? ''; $aaaa = $this->arguments['aaaa'] ?? ''; if (empty($a) && empty($aaaa)) { echo 'At least one IP address is required.' . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } $apikey = $this->arguments['apikey'] ?? ''; if (empty($apikey)) { echo 'An API key is required.' . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } if ($this->nameserverRepository->findByName(name: $name)) { echo "Nameserver: $name already exists." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } else { $nameserver = new Nameserver(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, passphrase: $apikey); $result = $this->nameserverRepository->insert(nameserver: $nameserver); echo 'Nameserver ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $name . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been created with id ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $result . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } } /** * @return void */ function nameserversList(): void { $nameservers = $this->nameserverRepository->findAll(); if (!empty($nameservers)) { echo 'All available nameservers:' . PHP_EOL; $table = new ConsoleTable(); $table->setHeaders(content: ['ID', 'Name', 'A', 'AAAA', 'API Key']); foreach ($nameservers as $nameserver) { $row = []; $row[] = $nameserver->getId(); $row[] = $nameserver->getName(); $row[] = $nameserver->getA(); $row[] = $nameserver->getAaaa(); $row[] = $nameserver->getApikeyPrefix(); $table->addRow(data: $row); } $table->setPadding(value: 2); $table->display(); } else { echo 'No nameservers found.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } exit(0); } /** */ function nameserversUpdate(): void { $id = $this->arguments[1] ?? 0; $name = $this->arguments['name'] ?? ''; $a = $this->arguments['a'] ?? ''; $aaaa = $this->arguments['aaaa'] ?? ''; $apikey = $this->arguments['apikey'] ?? ''; if ($id == 0) { echo 'An ID is required.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$this->nameserverRepository->findByID(id: intval(value: $id))) { echo 'Nameserver with ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . " doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($apikey) { $nameserver = new Nameserver(name: $name, id: intval(value: $id), a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa, passphrase: $apikey); } else { $nameserver = new Nameserver(name: $name, id: intval(value: $id), a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa); } if ($this->nameserverRepository->update(nameserver: $nameserver) !== false) { echo 'Nameserver ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been updated.' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Error while updating nameserver ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } /** */ function nameserversDelete(): void { if (empty($this->arguments[1])) { echo "You need to supply an ID." . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $id = intval(value: $this->arguments[1] ?? 0); if ($id == 0) { echo 'Nameserver with ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' not found.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!$this->nameserverRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { echo 'There is no nameserver with ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $this->nameserverRepository->delete(id: $id); echo 'The nameserver with ID ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $id . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been deleted.' . PHP_EOL; } /** */ function checkShowIncludes(): void { $nameservers = $this->nameserverRepository->findAll(); if (count($nameservers) === 0) { echo 'No nameservers found.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'You first need to setup the system.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'You need to add these lines to ' . COLOR_YELLOW . '/etc/bind/local.bindapi.options' . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' on every panel and make sure' . PHP_EOL; echo 'that ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'include "/etc/bind/local.bindapi.options";' . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' exists in ' . COLOR_YELLOW . '/etc/bind/named.conf.options' . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; $ip = []; foreach ($nameservers as $nameserver) { if (!empty($nameserver->getA())) { $ip[] = $nameserver->getA(); } if (!empty($nameserver->getAaaa())) { $ip[] = $nameserver->getAaaa(); } } echo PHP_EOL . 'allow-transfer {' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($ip as $currentIp) echo "\t$currentIp;" . PHP_EOL; echo '};'; echo PHP_EOL . 'also-notify {' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($ip as $currentIp) echo "\t$currentIp;" . PHP_EOL; echo '};' . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL . 'After the modification feel free to run ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'named-checkconf' . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' to ensure there were no errors.' . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL . 'Run ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'rndc reload' . COLOR_DEFAULT . ' to activate the changes.' . PHP_EOL; } /** */ function checkDomains(): void { $this->domainController->checkDomains(); } /** */ private function dynDnsPush(): void { $hostName = $this->arguments[1] ?? ''; if (empty($hostName)) { echo 'You need to supply at least the hostname' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { echo "Updating DynDNS host: $hostName" . PHP_EOL; } echo 'here'; $domain = $this->domainRepository->findByHost(host: $hostName); print_r(value: $domain); echo 'there'; // we need the panel who is master for zone $panel = $this->panelRepository->findByName(name: $domain->getPanel()); // which NS belongs to that panel $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $panel->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); if (!empty($panel->getAaaa())) { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'POST', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'dyndns/' . $hostName, serverType: 'nameserver'); } else { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'POST', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey(), command: 'dyndns/' . $hostName, serverType: 'nameserver'); } if ($result['header'] == 200) { if ($this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose')) { $data = $result['data']; $decodedData = json_decode(json: $data, associative: true); echo $decodedData['message'] . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo 'Something went wrong:' . PHP_EOL; print_r(value: $result); exit(1); } exit(0); } /** */ private function checkGenerateKey(): void { echo 'This generates a fresh encryption key.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Copy it to config.json.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Note: You must update all API-Keys for panels and nameservers after changing the key!' . PHP_EOL; try { $key = sodium_bin2hex(string: sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen()); echo 'Suggested new key : "' . COLOR_YELLOW . $key . COLOR_DEFAULT . '".' . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; exit(0); } catch (SodiumException $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); } } private function domainsRefresh(): void { $this->logger->debug(message: "domainsRefresh()"); $panels = $this->panelRepository->findAll(); foreach ($panels as $panel) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'Checking panel ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel->getName() . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $panel->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); if (empty($panel->getA())) { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains?sort=domain&subdomains=false', serverType: 'panel' ); } else { $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains?sort=domain&subdomains=false', serverType: 'panel'); } if (!empty($result['error'])) { echo $result['data'] . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!empty($result['data'])) { $domains = json_decode(json: $result['data']); } else { echo 'No domains found' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $domainCount = 0; if (count($domains) > 0) { foreach ($domains as $domain) { $domainCount++; echo COLOR_YELLOW . ' ' . $domain->domain; if ($this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $domain->domain)) { echo COLOR_GREEN . ' OK' . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } else { $newDomain = new Domain(name: $domain->domain, panel: $panel->getName()); $result = $this->domainRepository->insert(domain: $newDomain); echo COLOR_DEFAULT . ' has been created with id ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $result . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } } if ($domainCount == 0) { echo 'No second level domains found.' . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } } $this->domainController->updateSlaveZones(); } public function webmailCheck(): void { $quiet = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'quiet'); $verbose = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'verbose'); if (empty($this->arguments[1])) { if (!$quiet) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'You need to supply a domain name.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } else { $domainName = $this->arguments[1]; } if (!$quiet) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'Checking domain ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $domainName . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } if (!$domain = $this->domainRepository->findByName(name: $domainName)) { if (!$quiet) { echo COLOR_DEFAULT . 'Domain ' . $domainName . ' not found on this server.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } if (!$this->domainController->isMasterZone(domain: $domain)) { if (!$quiet) { echo 'This server is not responsible for ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $domainName . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } $panel = $this->panelRepository->getSelf(); $encryptionKey = $this->configController->getConfig(configKey: 'encryptionKey'); $decryptedKey = $this->encryptionController->safeDecrypt(encrypted: $panel->getApikey(), key: $encryptionKey); $webmailDomain = 'webmail.' . $domainName; if (!empty($panel->getAAAA())) { if (!$quiet && $verbose) { echo 'Check using IPv6: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel->getAaaa() . '.' . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 6, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains/name/' . $webmailDomain, serverType: 'panel'); } else { if (!$quiet && $verbose) { echo 'Check using IPv4: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $panel->getA() . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } $result = $this->apiController->sendCommand( requestType: 'GET', serverName: $panel->getName(), versionIP: 4, apiKey: $decryptedKey, command: 'domains/name/' . $webmailDomain, serverType: 'panel'); } if ($result['header'] === 404) { if (!$quiet) { echo 'The domain ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $webmailDomain . COLOR_DEFAULT . " doesn't exist." . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } else { if (!$quiet) { echo 'Found ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $webmailDomain . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } if ($v4 = dns_get_record(hostname: $webmailDomain, type: DNS_A)[0]) { if (!$quiet) { echo "Found IPv4 entry: " . COLOR_YELLOW . $v4['ip'] . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' .PHP_EOL; } $v4Test = $this->apiController->fileGetContents(url: $webmailDomain, versionIP: 4); if ($v4Test['error']) { if (!$quiet) { echo 'There was an error: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $v4Test['errorMessage'] . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.'; } exit(1); } else { if (!$quiet) { echo 'Successfully connected to webserver via ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'IPv4' . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } } else { if (!$quiet) { echo "Found no IPv4 entry for " . COLOR_YELLOW . $webmailDomain . COLOR_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL; } } if ($v6 = dns_get_record(hostname: $webmailDomain, type: DNS_AAAA)[0]) { if (!$quiet) { echo "Found IPv6 entry: " . COLOR_YELLOW . $v6['ipv6'] . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } $v6Test = $this->apiController->fileGetContents(url: $webmailDomain, versionIP: 6); if ($v6Test['error']) { if (!$quiet) { echo 'There was an error: ' . COLOR_YELLOW . $v6Test['errorMessage'] . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.'; } exit(1); } else { if (!$quiet) { echo 'Successfully connected to webserver via ' . COLOR_YELLOW . 'IPv6' . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } } else { if (!$quiet) { echo "Found no IPv6 entry for " . COLOR_YELLOW . $webmailDomain . COLOR_DEFAULT . '.' . PHP_EOL; } } // TODO check that at least IPv4 or IP6 exists? $domainData = json_decode(json: $result['data']); $apacheData = $domainData->apache; $httpsDirectives = $apacheData->https_directives . PHP_EOL; if (!str_contains(haystack: $httpsDirectives, needle: '# bindAPI - webmailer')) { if (!$quiet) { echo 'Generated config is missing.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(1); } else { if (!$quiet) { echo 'Generated config is valid.' . PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } } /** * @return void */ public function webmailCreate(): bool { // TODO /* $webmailConfig = '# bindAPI - webmailer' . PHP_EOL; $webmailConfig .= 'SSLProxyEngine On' . PHP_EOL; $webmailConfig .= 'ProxyPass /.well-known/ !' . PHP_EOL; $webmailConfig .= 'ProxyPass "/" "https://webmail' . $panel->getName() . '"' . PHP_EOL; $webmailConfig .= '## bindAPI - webmailer' . PHP_EOL; echo $webmailConfig; //$httpsDirectives += $w */ } private function checkMail(): void { } private function checksVersion(): void { } private function dynDnyUpdate(): void { } private function dynDnsDelete(): void { } private function webmailDelete(): void { } }