localZoneFile = '/etc/bind/local.zones'; $this->localZonesDir = '/etc/bind/zones/'; $this->namedConfLocalFile = '/etc/bind/named.conf.local'; $this->zoneCachePath = '/var/cache/bind/'; } /* /** * @param String $name * @param mixed $a * @param mixed $aaaa * * @return void public function createZone(string $name, mixed $a, mixed $aaaa): void { $this->createZoneFile(name: $name, a: $a, aaaa: $aaaa); /* $zoneFilename = $this->localZonesDir . $name; echo $zoneFilename . PHP_EOL; if ($localZones = fopen(filename: $this->localZoneFile, mode: 'a')) { fputs(stream: $localZones, data: "include \"$zoneFilename\";" . PHP_EOL); fclose(stream: $localZones); } else { echo "Error writing to $this->localZoneFile, check permissions"; exit(1); } } */ function createIncludeFile() { $domains = $this->domainRepository->findAll(); $oFile = fopen(filename: $this->localZoneFile, mode: 'w'); foreach ($domains as $domain) { fputs(stream: $oFile, data: 'include "' . $this->localZonesDir . $domain->getName() . '";' . PHP_EOL); } fclose(stream: $oFile); } function delete(int $id) { if ($domain = $this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { $this->domainRepository->delete(id: $id); $zoneFile = $this->localZonesDir . $domain['name']; print($zoneFile . PHP_EOL); if (file_exists(filename: $this->localZonesDir . $domain['name'])) { print("file exists"); unlink(filename: $zoneFile); $this->createIncludeFile(); } } $this->deleteOnNameservers(id: $id); } function deleteOnNameservers(int $id) { $nameservers = $this->nameserverController->findAll(); foreach ($nameservers as $nameserver) { echo($nameserver['name']); $body = [ 'id' => $id ]; if (!empty($nameserver['aaaa'])) { $this->checkController->sendCommand(requestType: 'DELETE', serverName: $nameserver['name'], versionIP: 6, apiKey: $nameserver['apikey'], command: 'delete', serverType: 'nameserver', body: $body); } else { $this->checkController->sendCommand(requestType: 'DELETE', serverName: $nameserver['name'], versionIP: 4, apiKey: $nameserver['apikey'], command: 'delete', serverType: 'nameserver', body: $body); } } } /** * @param int $id * * @return void */ function deleteZone(int $id) { if ($domain = $this->domainRepository->findByID(id: $id)) { $zoneFile = $this->localZonesDir . $domain['name']; print($zoneFile . PHP_EOL); if (file_exists(filename: $this->localZonesDir . $domain['name'])) { print("file exists"); unlink(filename: $zoneFile); $this->createIncludeFile(); } } $this->deleteOnNameservers(id: $id); $this->domainRepository->delete(id: $id); } /** * @return void */ function checkPermissions(): void { echo 'Checking permission:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $uid = posix_geteuid(); print("UID:\t$uid" . PHP_EOL); $pwuid = posix_getpwuid(user_id: $uid); $name = $pwuid['name']; print("Name:\t$name" . PHP_EOL); $bindGroup = posix_getgrnam(name: 'bind'); $members = $bindGroup['members']; if (in_array(needle: $name, haystack: $members)) { echo "\t✅ is in group 'bind" . PHP_EOL; } echo 'Checking file: ' . $this->localZoneFile . PHP_EOL; $localZoneFilePermissions = fileperms(filename: $this->localZoneFile); if ($localZoneFilePermissions & 0x0010) { echo "\t✅ Group has write access . " . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t❌Group needs write permission!" . PHP_EOL; } echo "Checking $this->namedConfLocalFile" . PHP_EOL; if ($namedConfLocal = file_get_contents(filename: $this->namedConfLocalFile)) { if (!str_contains(haystack: $namedConfLocal, needle: $this->localZoneFile)) { echo "\t❌ $this->localZoneFile needs to be included in $this->namedConfLocalFile . " . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t✅ $this->localZoneFile is included in $this->namedConfLocalFile" . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo "\t❌ No access to '$this->namedConfLocalFile' . Please check permissions" . PHP_EOL; } echo 'Checking directory: ' . $this->localZonesDir . PHP_EOL; $localZoneDirPermissions = fileperms(filename: $this->localZonesDir); if ($localZoneDirPermissions & 0x0010) { echo "\t✅ Group has write access . " . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t❌Group needs write permission!" . PHP_EOL; } } /** * @return array|bool */ function checkDomains(): array|bool { return true; /* $domains = $this->findAll(); if ($namedConfLocal = file_get_contents(filename: $this->namedConfLocalFile)) { if (!str_contains(haystack: $namedConfLocal, needle: $this->localZoneFile)) { return "$this->localZoneFile needs to be included in $this->namedConfLocalFile . "; } } else { return "No access to '$this->namedConfLocalFile' . Please check permissions"; } if (!fileperms($this->localZoneFile)) { return "No access to $this->localZoneFile . Please check permissions . "; } $localZones = file_get_contents($this->localZoneFile); foreach($domains as $domain) { if(!str_contains($localZones, $domain['name'])) { $errors[] = $domain['name'] . " is missing in '$this->localZoneFile'"; } $zoneFile = $this->localZonesDir . $domain['name']; if (!file_exists($zoneFile)) { $errors[] = "Missing zone file for $zoneFile . Update zone to create it"; } } if (empty($errors)) { return true; } else { return $errors; } */ } /** * @param mixed $name * @param mixed $a * @param mixed $aaaa * * @return void */ public function createZoneFile(string $name, string $a, string $aaaa): void { if ($zonefile = fopen(filename: $this->localZonesDir . $name, mode: 'w')) { fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "zone \"$name\" IN {" . PHP_EOL); fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\ttype slave;" . PHP_EOL); fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\tfile \"" . $this->zoneCachePath . $name . '.db";' . PHP_EOL); fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\tmasters {" . PHP_EOL); if (!empty($a)) { fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\t\t$a;" . PHP_EOL); } if (!empty($aaaa)) { fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\t\t$aaaa;" . PHP_EOL); } fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "\t};" . PHP_EOL); fputs(stream: $zonefile, data: "};" . PHP_EOL); } $this->createIncludeFile(); } }