1. [Overview](#overview) 2. [Features](#features) 3. [Installation](#installation) 4. [Configuration](#configuration) 5. [The API](#theapi) 6. [Conclusion](#conclusion) # Overview This package provides an API for the Bind nameserver. It consists of two parts, the API itself and a CLI tool to configure the available functions. # Features ## CLI ![Php Interpreter](https://bindapi.24unix.net/assets/bindAPI_cli.png) The CLI is used to perform configuration and some checks: * check - Permissions: The API needs to be able to access some files and create new ones - Panels: This checks one or all panels if every nameserver is aware of all domains - Domain: TODO * panels - List: List all panels which are configured on this server - Create: Adds a new panel to the configuration - Update: Changes one or more parameters of the panel - Delete: Deletes the given panel - ApiPing: Calls the /ping endpoint of the given server - some additional API call might be added * nameservers - similar to panels, but for the nameservers * domains - similar usage to panels/domains, manage all slave zones * apikeys - manage the keys to access this nameserver via API API # Installation # Configuration # The API # Conclusion In KeyHelp, install PHP 8.1 Settings => Configuration => Feature Settings => PHP Interpreter ![Php Interpreter](https://bindapi.24unix.net/assets/bindAPI_php1.png) ![Php Interpreter](https://bindapi.24unix.net/assets/bindAPI_php2.png) ![Php Interpreter](https://bindapi.24unix.net/assets/bindAPI_php3.png) ![Php Interpreter](https://bindapi.24unix.net/assets/bindAPI_php4.png) Set the checkmark and press Save. Wait about a minute, the installation is started via a cronjob which runs every minute. As root (or via sudo): `apt install git` Creat a new user for the domain, adn then a new domain, e.g. ns3.24unix.net. Set the PHP Version to 8.1: